Electromagnetic Fields – An Introductory Overview of EMFs & How to Mitigate EMF Exposure

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are all around us. They are present in our homes, workplaces, and even in the air we breathe. EMFs are invisible lines of energy that radiate from sources such as power lines, electrical wiring, and wireless devices. While they are a natural part of our environment, some studies suggest that prolonged exposure to high levels of EMFs may have adverse effects on our health.
I’ll be blunt and say that I really had no idea what EMFs were a few years ago. I grew up with technology and was using a laptop daily since junior high when I was homeschooled and traveling for motocross. I had my first phone by seventh grade and my first smartphone by my sophomore year of high school. I definitely was a part of the millennial generation’s wave of technology overuse and maximum stimulation.