KyletotheMoon Health & Wellness

The Science of Nature: Exploring the Benefits of Being Outdoors for Your Mental and Physical Well-Being

nature healing kyletothemoon

Nature has always been an integral part of human existence. It actually feels kind of silly writing that, because nature is the most real and genuine part of our world that there is. Everything outside of nature is manufactured by mankind, yet for a large population of people, that is their “real world”. For most of our history, humans have lived in close contact with nature, relying on it for food, shelter, and protection. However, in recent times, we have become increasingly disconnected from the natural world. Many people now live in urban environments, spending most of their time indoors, and surrounded by technology. This disconnection from nature has been linked to various mental and physical health problems. In this blog, we will explore how being in nature is good for our mental and physical health and the science behind those claims.