KyletotheMoon Health & Wellness

Unlocking the Benefits of Food Cycling: Why Diversifying Your Diet Is Key to Better Health

As the saying goes, you are what you eat. It’s a well-known fact that maintaining a healthy diet is essential to overall health and well-being. But did you know that simply eating a variety of foods and switching up those foods regularly can also play a critical role in supporting your body’s functions? This is where food cycling comes in – a simple yet effective way to ensure you’re getting all the nutrients your body needs to function at its best.

I know I know…we are currently living in an annoying, confusing, fad-diet era full of keyboard experts who will tell you humans were designed to eat only vegetables, meat, or fruit. I’ve experimented through the years with my fair share of the mono and minimalist diet approaches in my health journey, so I’m definitely not here to attempt to be the moral compass of all that is good and bad in the nutritional space. Before jumping into food cycling, I’d like to briefly touch on the opposite of that which is mono dieting.