kyletothemoon holistic health blog

Kellogg’s Controversy: Movement to Ban Food Dyes in the U.S.


Food additives, especially artificial colors and preservatives in children-targeted foods, have become a major point of contention. Recently, Kellogg’s cereal products, known for their vibrant colors, have come under scrutiny as consumers, activists, and health-conscious advocates question why the company uses synthetic dyes in the U.S. while employing safer alternatives in other countries. Actress Eva […]

The MAHA Movement: Why RFK Jr. is Getting Mainstream Pushback


The mainstream media loves to paint figures like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as “controversial” or “fringe.” But let’s be real—what is he actually saying that’s so outrageous? That our food system is poisoned by toxic chemicals? That chronic diseases are ravaging our population? Or that massive corporations control the regulatory bodies meant to protect us? […]