kyletothemoon holistic health blog

Ultra-Processed Foods: An Insult to Our Intelligence

The recent announcement by the US government’s “top diet advisors” claiming that ultra-processed foods do not cause obesity is not just misleading—it’s an outright lie designed to protect the interests of megacorporations profiting from our deteriorating health. As the country with the highest obesity rates globally, this statement starkly contrasts with the lived experiences and […]

Organic Diet: 5 Days to Halve Your Blood Pesticide Levels

organic food reduces pesticides

Most of us go about our daily lives without considering the hidden chemicals we might be ingesting. Yet, pesticides—chemicals used to kill pests that harm crops—are present in almost all of the food we eat here in the United States. These chemicals can end up in our bodies, building up over time and potentially causing […]

Man Develops Microwave Syndrome from 5G Base Station

microwave syndrome 5g tower

The world is quickly embracing the fifth generation of wireless communication, known as 5G, promising faster internet speeds, more reliable connections, and the advent of smart cities. However, as with many technological advancements, there is a growing concern among “We the People” about the potential health risks associated with 5G radiation. Today we will focus […]

Saturated Fat Myth: A Long Road to the Truth of Heart Disease

saturated fat lie

For over half a century, we’ve been told that saturated fat is the dietary villain responsible for heart disease.  The roots of this widespread belief trace back to the mid-20th century, particularly to the work of Ancel Keys, a physiologist with a keen interest in diet and health. Keys’ diet-heart hypothesis, which suggested a direct link […]

Further EMF Protection: Key Insights from the BGL Podcast

Following up on my recent article on EMF protection, where I critiqued the science and claims of Waveguard’s founder, Hagen Thiers, the Ben Greenfield Life Podcast just aired a new episode featuring Aires Tech CEO Josh Bruni and neuroscientist Dr. Nicolas Dogris. Having a relationship with Josh, Ben, and Aires Tech, I tuned into this […]

Adrenal Fatigue: Battling Burnout in the Lives of Busy Bees

adrenal fatigue

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s not uncommon for people to feel exhausted. With the demands of modern life, chronic stress, and the constant juggling of responsibilities, many of us find ourselves running on empty. But what if your tiredness isn’t just due to a hectic schedule? What if it’s a sign of something more? Enter […]