kyletothemoon holistic health blog

Shield Your Mind: Understanding EMF Risks To Mental Health

mental health emf kyletothemoon

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are an invisible force that has become a ubiquitous part of modern life. From the devices we hold in our hands to the Wi-Fi signals that surround us, EMFs have infiltrated our homes, workplaces, and even the spaces where we seek rest. While their convenience and utility are undeniable, the impact of […]

Electrified Slumbers – Understanding EMF’s Impact on Sleep

Sleep is one of the most critical yet misunderstood components of good health. We’ve been taught to think about food, exercise, and stress management as pillars of wellness, but sleep is often taken for granted. When our rest is disrupted, we’re quick to look at surface-level factors: too much caffeine, inconsistent sleep routines, or late-night […]

Breaking Down EMF Risks: Insights from a Key Research Study


In the fast-evolving world of wireless tech, electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are everywhere, from the phones in our pockets to the Wi-Fi signals surrounding us. Many of us have a basic understanding of EMFs and their possible health effects, but a deep dive into their potential biological impacts reveals a more complex and concerning picture. One […]

EMF and Gut Health: Is Radiation Disrupting Your Microbiome?


In our increasingly interconnected world, we are constantly exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMF) from a multitude of sources — Wi-Fi routers, cell phones, power lines, and even household appliances. While the impact of EMF on sleep, cognitive function, and mental health has been widely discussed, there’s growing evidence that EMF exposure could also be disrupting […]

Detox Pathways Disrupted by EMF: Natural Ways to Support


In today’s world, exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) is nearly impossible to avoid. From Wi-Fi routers and smartphones to electrical appliances and power lines, EMF has woven itself into the very fabric of modern life. As our reliance on technology grows, so do concerns about the potential effects EMF exposure has on our health. One […]

Shielding the Brain: EMF Effects on the Blood-Brain Barrier


The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is one of the body’s most crucial defense systems, acting as a gatekeeper to protect the brain from harmful substances while allowing necessary nutrients and oxygen to pass through. In the modern world, where exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) has become nearly inescapable, from mobile phones to Wi-Fi routers, there is […]