About Kyle

Kyle Smith is a CHEK Certified Holistic Health and Lifestyle Coach, writer, and entrepreneur who focuses on guiding people towards healthier living through practical education. His background includes several decades of competitive sports such as motocross, wrestling, and Jiu-Jitsu.
With a B.S. in Business Administration and Marketing from Vanguard University, Kyle initially worked in the medical equipment industry before transitioning to holistic health. In 2021, he sold his home in California to travel to the United States in his motorhome and immerse himself in the wellness community across the U.S. He has worked with top brands, podcasters, and authorities in the health and wellness space, continually embracing being a student of life.
From his current dwelling in North Idaho, Kyle shares his knowledge through his blog, kyletothemoon, aiming to clarify complex health issues like nutrition, EMF, and regenerative agriculture. His personal health journey, including growing up with lypoma cysts and many broken bones, informs his approach to health, emphasizing prevention and natural solutions.


Electromagnetic Fields – An Introductory Overview of EMFs & How to Mitigate EMF Exposure
Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are all around us. They are present in our homes,

The Truth About Insulin Sensitivity and Metabolic Health
When we look at the health crisis surrounding metabolic dysfunction today, one thing is crystal

Feet First: Rediscovering Natural Movement
I’ve been a proponent of minimalist footwear, often referred to as “barefoot shoes,” for quite

Brain-Damaging Microplastics: What You Need to Know
Microplastics have infiltrated nearly every corner of the environment—and our bodies. From the air we

Fitness Trackers Evolved: The Rise of Body Heat Technology
Imagine a world where your smartwatch, fitness tracker, or even your clothing doesn’t require charging

Saturated Fat Myth: A Long Road to the Truth of Heart Disease
For over half a century, we’ve been told that saturated fat is the dietary villain