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Further EMF Protection: Key Insights from the BGL Podcast

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Following up on my recent article on EMF protection, where I critiqued the science and claims of Waveguard’s founder, Hagen Thiers, the Ben Greenfield Life Podcast just aired a new episode featuring Aires Tech CEO Josh Bruni and neuroscientist Dr. Nicolas Dogris. Having a relationship with Josh, Ben, and Aires Tech, I tuned into this one immediately. While Ben asked the hard questions, Josh and Dr. Dogris were able to demonstrate and educate Ben as well as his audience on the way Aires Tech’s devices work, the difference between bad science and good science, general EMF understanding, protection strategies, and much more.

In this article, we’ll investigate deeper into the insights shared during the podcast, highlighting the importance of rigorous scientific validation in EMF protection, and contrasting the approaches of EMF blocking versus modulating. We’ll also explore the effectiveness of various testing methods, focusing particularly on EEG, to understand the real impact of EMFs on our health. By the end, you’ll have a clearer picture of how to navigate the crowded and often confusing market of EMF protection products.

Watch the full podcast here:

Introducing Dr. Nicolas Dogris and His Work with Neurofeedback and EEG

dr nicolas dogris neurofeedbackDr. Nicolas Dogris, a prominent neuroscientist and neurotherapist, has made significant contributions to the field of neurofeedback and brain performance enhancement. As the founder of NeuroField Neurotherapy in Santa Barbara, he, along with his wife Dr. Thompson, provides cutting-edge neurotherapy services to clients ranging from peak performance athletes to individuals dealing with clinical issues such as depression, anxiety, and traumatic brain injury.

In the episode of the BGL Podcast, Dr. Dogris discussed his work and the challenges of EEG technology. Greenfield, known for his thorough and sometimes tough questioning, brought up the cumbersome nature of traditional EEG setups. “It’s clunky, like all the gel and the cap and the hardware and all the things that go into an EEG. How come there’s not just like just a, you know, a way to put on a baseball cap and measure it with a signal sent to your phone yet?” Ben asked.

Dr. Dogris explained the complexity involved in measuring tiny electrical signals from the brain, down to the microvolt level. He emphasized that while advancements have been made, such as the development of dry leads, these can still introduce significant noise. “Listening to gamma is kind of like listening to somebody whisper in front of a loudspeaker at a Metallica concert,” he analogized, underscoring the precision required in capturing accurate EEG data.

Aires Tech’s Collaboration with Dr. Dogris

Aires Tech first collaborated with Dr. Dogris two years ago during an EEG demonstration, marking a pivotal moment in their journey to validate the efficacy of their EMF protection products. Josh Bruni, CEO of Aires Tech, recounted the story during the podcast, highlighting how they initially planned the demonstration with another neuroscientist from Canada who ultimately couldn’t make it due to travel restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic. This led them to Dr. Dogris, who stepped in at the last minute.

Bruni reflected on their first meeting: “Dr. Dogris rolled up to the studio where we were doing this recording. Never met him. Rolls out, and looks like a rock star. And I’m like, you know, you’re ready.” Despite the initial uncertainty, the collaboration proved to be a resounding success. The video they produced, showcasing the impact of EMFs on brain activity and the neutralizing effect of Aires Tech’s products, has since garnered significant attention worldwide.

Dr. Dogris elaborated on the procedure: “We did the baseline with nothing on, no phone, nothing. And then we had them hold the phone, and we called it. So now the phone’s live. And we just had them hold it closer to their head for, you know, and no talking.” This controlled approach ensured that any observed changes in brain activity could be attributed to the EMF exposure from the phone.

The results were telling. Without Aires Tech protection, there was a significant increase in beta and high beta brainwave activity, indicative of heightened stress or agitation. However, when the Aires Tech device was applied to the phone, these elevated brainwave activities returned to normal levels. Dr. Dogris explained, “When they had the phone up by their head without any Aires on it, the amount of beta and high beta went up to, like, three standards. But when we put the Aires protection on the phone and exposed the person again, the beta actually went back down.”

UFC Fighter Maycee Barber’s EEG Demonstration

The Unexpected Challenge

UFC fighter Maycee Barber, a rising star in the MMA world, has been an invaluable partner to Aires Tech. Her involvement in their EEG demonstration provided some fascinating and unexpected insights. According to Bruni, Maycee participated in an EEG scan shortly after sustaining a concussion. Unbeknownst to the team initially and the general public until now, this recent brain injury presented unique challenges during the testing process.

Initial Findings and Troubleshooting

As Bruni recounted, “Something happened when we did an EEG scan with Maycee. She had a brain hit right before we did this EEG scan with her, and she didn’t tell us that she had that.” The technician performing the scan, not Dr. Dogris but another expert, encountered unusual noise in the EEG results, which took considerable time to troubleshoot. Eventually, Maycee disclosed her recent concussion, explaining the abnormalities in her brain activity.

EEG Scan Results

maycee barber eeg brain scan emf protectionDespite this setback, the EEG scan revealed striking results. The initial readings showed significant inflammation and hyperactivity in the affected brain region, evidenced by prominent red waves and slow-moving waves on the EEG. Remarkably, within just five minutes of using the Aires Tech product—both the necklace and the phone attachment—the inflamed area began to shrink. This normalization effect indicated a reduction in hyperactivity and an increase in the brain’s slower, more stable waves.

Observing the Normalization Effect

Bruni emphasized the preliminary nature of these findings, stating, “We saw within just like five minutes with the product, the technology near and on the phone, we actually saw this effect, this inflamed blob was really shrinking.” He refrained from publishing these initial results due to the need for more controlled research. However, this observed normalization effect prompted further investigation that we are all looking forward to seeing.

Ongoing Research and Future Implications

Aires Tech has since embarked on a more comprehensive study, involving 24 subjects, to validate these findings in a controlled environment. This research aims to explore the broader implications of their technology on brain health, particularly for individuals recovering from concussions or other brain injuries.

As Bruni explained, “We want to get that peer-reviewed. We’re going to send out to a bunch of other people that do that. But that’s a really interesting area.”

The Science of Waveforms: Square vs. Sinusoidal

Shifting gears from discussing how the effectiveness of Aires Tech products are measured using EEG, the podcast moved toward the difference between EMF waveforms and the need for protection. As discussed in my post “Truth on EMF Blocking vs Modulating for Radiation Protection”, Aires Tech products do not block EMF, but rather “modulate” or “neutralize” the harmful waves to create coherence with our bodies’ natural waveforms. Understanding the difference between square and sinusoidal waves is key to grasping how Aires Tech’s modulation works.

Harmful Effects of Square Waves

Square waves, common in digital devices, are not naturally produced by the body and can cause significant disruptions. These waves are characterized by their abrupt changes in amplitude, which can interfere with the body’s natural electromagnetic rhythms. Prolonged exposure to square waves can lead to issues such as DNA damage, cellular stress, and neurological problems.

Benefits of Sinusoidal Waves

sinusoidal waveform
Image from SlideServe

In contrast, sinusoidal waves are smooth and continuous, resembling the natural waveforms produced by biological systems. These waves are less likely to disrupt cellular processes and are more harmonious with the body’s electromagnetic fields. By converting square waves into sinusoidal waves, Aires Tech products help mitigate the negative effects of EMF exposure.

The Role of Fractal Geometry in EMF Modulation

A unique aspect of Aires Tech’s technology is the use of fractal geometry. Fractals are complex patterns that repeat at different scales and are found throughout nature. Aires Tech devices incorporate these patterns to enhance their ability to modulate EMFs.

How Fractals Work

The fractal patterns etched into Aires Tech’s semiconductors diffract EMF waves, transforming them into less harmful shapes. This process is akin to how a prism diffracts light. The use of fractal geometry ensures that the modulation effect is consistent and effective across a wide range of frequencies.

Addressing Skepticism: Peer-Reviewed Studies and Transparency

In a market flooded with products making bold but unsubstantiated claims, Aires Tech distinguishes itself through rigorous scientific validation. The company’s technology is backed by decades of peer-reviewed studies published in reputable journals. These studies provide concrete evidence of the effectiveness of Aires Tech’s products in modulating EMFs and reducing their harmful effects.

Peer-Reviewed Research

One of the highlights mentioned in the podcast was a study presented at the International Information Technologies Congress in London. This study, which formed the basis for Aires Tech’s recent patent, demonstrated the modulation effects of their devices on EMF waves. The rigorous peer-review process and the study’s publication in a reputable journal underscore the credibility and scientific backing of Aires Tech’s technology.

Transparency and Trust

Aires Tech’s commitment to transparency is another factor that sets it apart. The company openly shares the scientific principles behind their products and the results of their research. As Josh Bruni noted, “You can take all our studies, dump them into AI tools like OpenAI or ChatGPT, and ask it to summarize and verify the science. It will confirm that the science is sound and the technology works.” This level of openness is rare in the EMF protection market and speaks to the confidence Aires Tech has in their products.

Practical Tips for EMF Protection

The podcast also provided practical advice for minimizing EMF exposure and effectively using EMF protection devices.

Reduce Direct Exposure

The first step in protecting yourself from EMFs is to reduce direct exposure. Simple actions like using airplane mode on your phone when not in use, keeping devices away from your body, and avoiding prolonged use of wireless devices can significantly reduce your EMF exposure.

Use EMF Modulation Devices

Incorporating EMF modulation devices like those from Aires Tech can further enhance your protection. These devices work by transforming harmful EMF waves into less harmful ones, allowing you to use your electronic devices with reduced risk. Placing an Aires Tech device near your main sources of EMF, such as your phone, laptop, and Wi-Fi router, can help create a safer environment.

Optimize Your Sleeping Environment

Ensuring your sleeping area is free from EMFs is crucial, as this is when your body undergoes essential repair and recovery processes. Using Aires Tech devices in your bedroom will mitigate the EMFs from nearby electronic devices, creating a more conducive environment for rest and recovery.


The conversation between Ben Greenfield, Josh Bruni, and Dr. Nicholas Dogris provides valuable insights into the complexities of EMF protection and the advanced science behind Aires Tech’s technology. By focusing on modulation rather than blocking, Aires Tech offers a scientifically validated method to reduce the harmful effects of EMF exposure. The rigorous testing methods, such as EEG, and the use of fractal geometry underscore the effectiveness of their approach.

For those concerned about EMF exposure, combining practical steps to reduce direct exposure with the use of scientifically-backed modulation devices like Aires Tech can provide a comprehensive solution. To listen to the full podcast episode and explore more about Aires Tech, visit

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