kyletothemoon holistic health blog

Modern Sedentary Lifestyles: Why Sitting is the New Smoking


We’re all guilty of it. Sitting for hours at a desk, in front of the computer, hustling away on some project or meeting deadline, thinking that our hour at the gym later will balance it all out. But what if I told you that’s simply not enough? Yep, that spin class or weightlifting session at […]

The Truth About Insulin Sensitivity and Metabolic Health


When we look at the health crisis surrounding metabolic dysfunction today, one thing is crystal clear: mainstream medical advice has failed us. We’ve got more people than ever before suffering from type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other metabolic disorders. How could this happen in an era of such medical advancement? Shouldn’t we be conquering these […]

Subaru’s 5G Test Track: Pushing Boundaries, Raising Concerns


In the relentless pursuit of innovation, Subaru Corporation has made a bold move by installing a local sub-6 5G standalone (SA) network at their Bifuka Proving Ground in Hokkaido, Japan. This state-of-the-art network is designed to support Subaru’s cutting-edge research into cooperative driving automation, a technology that allows vehicles to communicate with each other and […]

Mouth-Taping: Could Health Enthusiasts Get Any Weirder?


When it comes to sleep, we’re all on a quest for that elusive perfect night’s rest. We’ve tried it all—sleeping on our backs, sides, stomach, getting the best mattresses, pillows, and even those fancy blackout curtains that make your bedroom feel like a cave. But there’s one sleep habit that’s slowly gaining traction among health […]

Top Sources of Microplastic Exposure and How to Avoid Them


Microplastics are everywhere. From the air we breathe to the water we drink and the food we eat, tiny plastic particles have infiltrated almost every part of our lives. Once thought of as inert, recent research has shown these microplastics not only persist in the environment but are now being linked to serious health consequences […]

From Telegraphs to 5G: The Evolution of Man-Made EMF Radiation


Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from electromagnetic fields (EMF) has become an inescapable part of modern life, woven into the fabric of the last two centuries’ technological advancements. From early telegraphs to the omnipresent 5G networks of today, the development of telecommunications and other EMF technologies has transformed how we live, communicate, and work. Yet behind this […]