kyletothemoon holistic health blog

Holistic Oral Health Guide: Ancient Practices and Natural Care


Growing up, I always felt like I had the golden ticket when it came to oral health. I was the sibling with “perfect teeth”—no braces, no cavities, and no strict oral hygiene routine. Meanwhile, my sister, who would religiously floss and brush her teeth, found herself frustrated every time she was told she had yet […]

Why I Will Never Use Melatonin for Sleep Enhancement Again


Let’s be honest, sleep is one of those things we take for granted until it becomes an issue. And when sleep isn’t happening, we start to scramble, searching for solutions. One of the most popular remedies floating around the internet and medicine cabinets these days is melatonin supplements. They’re touted as a quick and easy […]

Shielding the Brain: EMF Effects on the Blood-Brain Barrier


The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is one of the body’s most crucial defense systems, acting as a gatekeeper to protect the brain from harmful substances while allowing necessary nutrients and oxygen to pass through. In the modern world, where exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) has become nearly inescapable, from mobile phones to Wi-Fi routers, there is […]

Two Toxic Mindsets That Will Never Get You to the Moon


Success, achievement, and greatness often evoke a wide range of reactions from those around us. Unfortunately, some of the most common responses are far from inspiring. There’s the “I could do that” crowd and the “I could never do that” crowd—two sides of the same coin, both reflecting unhealthy mindsets that hold people back from […]

Dark Side of the Plant-Based and 3D-Printed Fake Meat Industry


A World of Processed Foods: My Personal Experiment with Veganism A few years ago, I embarked on a journey that I thought would revolutionize my health—going vegan. My motivation was not just a trendy lifestyle choice but a serious attempt to heal my body from within, particularly to combat the persistent lipoma cysts that had […]

Raw Milk’s Comeback: History, Health, and How to Find It


Raw milk, often hailed as “nature’s perfect food,” has a history that spans thousands of years, nourishing countless generations across various cultures. Yet, despite its time-honored role in human diets, raw milk has been unfairly demonized in the modern era, particularly following the advent of pasteurization in the early 20th century. In this article, we’ll […]